
2022 Publications

  1. Alachraf K, Currie C, Wooten W, Tumin D. Social determinants of emergency department visits in mild compared to moderate and severe asthma. Lung 2022;200:221-6
  2.  Beeninga FT, Cortright L, Buckman C, Tumin D, Syed S. Influence of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine series initiation and completion on influenza vaccination among adolescents. International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2022;9:11-15.
  3. Campbell C, O’Brien G, Tumin D. Timing and persistence of material hardship among children in the United States. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2022;26:1529-39
  4. Chen CB, Mandelia C, Cresci GA. Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome. In Nutrition Guide for Physicians and Related Healthcare Professions. 2022 (pp. 377-387). Humana, Cham.
  5. Heindel JJ, Howard S, Agay-Shay K, Arrebola JP, Audouze K, Babin PJ, Barouki R, Bansal A, Blanc E, Cave MC, Chatterjee S, Chevalier N, Choudhury M, Collier D, Connolly L, Coumoul X, Garruti G, Gilbertson M, Hoepner LA, Holloway AC, Howell G 3rd, Kassotis C, Kay MK, Ji Kim M, Lagadic-Gossmann D, Langouet S, Legrand A, Li Z, Le Mentec H, Lind L, Monica Lind P, Lustig RH, Martin-Chouly C, Munic Kos V, Podechard N, Roepke TA, Sargis RM, Starling A, Tomlinson CR, Touma C, Vondracek J, Vom Saal F, Blumberg B. Obesity II: Establishing causal links between chemical exposures and obesity. Biochemical Pharmacology 2022;199:115015.
  6. Horne G, Gautam A, Tumin D. Short- and long-term health consequences of gaps in health insurance coverage among young adults. Population Health Management 2022;25:399-406
  7. Huang L, Li Z, Huang Z, Zhan W, Huang X, Xu H, Cheng C, Zheng Y, Xin G, Zheng S, Guo P. The ASK-SEAT: a competency-based assessment scale for students majoring in clinical medicine. BMC Medical Education 2022;22:76.
  8. Lang JE, Hornik CP, Elliott C, Silverstein A, Hornik C, Al-Uzri A, Bosheva M, Bradley JS, Borja-Tabora CFC, Di John D, Mendez Echevarria A, Ericson JE, Friedel D, Gonczi F, Isidro MGD, James LP, Kalocsai K, Koutroulis I, Laki I, Ong-Lim ALT, Nad M, Simon G, Syed S, Szabo E, Benjamin DK Jr, Cohen-Wolkowiez M; SOLI-PEDS Program. Solithromycin in Children and Adolescents With Community-acquired Bacterial Pneumonia. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2022;41:556-62.
  9. Lazorick S, Teherani A, Lawson L, Dekhtyar M, Higginson J, Garris J, Baxley EG. Preparing faculty to incorporate health systems science into the clinical learning environment: Factors associated with sustained outcomes. American Journal of Medical Quality 2022;37:246-54
  10. Lustig RH, Collier D, Kassotis C, Roepke TA, Kim MJ, Blanc E, Barouki R, Bansal A, Cave MC, Chatterjee S, Choudhury M, Gilbertson M, Lagadic-Gossmann D, Howard S, Lind L, Tomlinson CR, Vondracek J, Heindel JJ. Obesity I: Overview and molecular and biochemical mechanisms. Biochemical Pharmacology 2022;199:115012.
  11. Manupipatpong KK, Tumin D, Roth C, Kim SS, Tobias JD, Raman VT. Improving pediatric patient engagement, outcomes, and satisfaction via an interactive perioperative teaching platform. Pediatric Anesthesia 2022;32:74-6.
  12. Mata MB, Santos A, Ugale-Wilson J. Setting up a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in a Community/Rural Setting. Pediatric Clinics of North America 2022;69:497-508.
  13. Muhammad M, Tumin D. Unmet needs for vision care among children with gaps in health insurance coverage. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2022;26:63.e1-4
  14. Nenow J, Nenow A, Priest A, Campbell KM, Tumin D. Local economic inequality and the primary care physician workforce in North Carolina. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 2022;35:35-43
  15. Odom T, Zheng Y, Kattan G, Tumin D, Strickland DM, Steed RD, Sarno LA. Recognition of congenital heart disease in subsequent visits among children with a prenatal diagnosis. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology 2022;65:101490
  16. Patel H, Tumin D, Greene E, Ledoux M, Longshore S. Lack of health insurance coverage and emergency medical service transport for pediatric trauma patients: A propensity-matched analysis. Journal of Surgical Research 2022;276:136-42.
  17. Powers SA, Taylor K, Tumin D, Kohler JA. Measuring parental presence in the neonatal intensive care unit. American Journal of Perinatology 2022;30:134-43
  18. Rees DC, Kilinc Y, Unal S, Dampier CD, Pace B, Kaya B, Trompeter S, Odame I, Mahlangu J, Unal S, Brent J, Grosse R, Fuh B, Inusa BP, Koren A, Leblebisatan G, Levin C, McNamara E, Meiser K, Hom D, Oliver SJ. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of canakinumab in children and young adults with sickle cell anemia. Blood 2022:139:2642-52
  19. Ross JA, Eldridge DL. Pediatric Toxicology. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. 2022;40:237-50.
  20. Tran N, Cortright L, Buckman C, Tumin D, Syed S. Association between asthma and influenza vaccine uptake among US adolescents: A retrospective survey study. Journal of Asthma 2022:59:1256-62
  21. Tumin D. Confronting school resegregation. Pediatrics 2022;149:e2022056416
  22. Tumin D, Baumgarten N, Buckman C, Kuehn D, Higginson J. Increasing pediatricians’ scholarly productivity on and off the tenure track. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2022;42:148-50.
  23. Tumin D, Brewer K, Cummings D, Keene K, Campbell KM. Estimating clinical research project duration from idea to publication. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2022;70:108-9.
  24. Tumin D, Khanchandani A, Sasser G, Buckman C. Factors influencing US hospital and medical school participation in pediatric COVID-19 research. Hospital Pediatrics 2022;12:e8-15
  25. Ward R, Turner MA, Hansen-Pupp I, Higginson J, Vanya M, Flood E, Schwartz EJ, Doll H, Tocoian A, Mangili A, Barton N, Sarda SP. Development of the PREMature Infant Index (PREMII™), a clinician-reported outcome measure assessing functional status of extremely preterm infants. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2022;35:941-20.
  26. White J, Morris H, Cortright L, Buckman C, Tumin D, Jamison S. Concordance of data on children’s unmet health care needs between 2 national surveys. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 2022;28:e155-61
  27. Wintering A, Smith S, Fuh B, Rangaswami A, Dahl G, Chien M, Gruber TA, Dang J, Li LS, Lenzen A, Savelli S, Dvorak CC, Agrawal AK, Stieglitz E. Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms resembling juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: a case series and review of the literature. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2022;69:e29499.

2021 Publications

  1. Akpan US, Patel S, Driver P, Tumin D. Implementing volume targeted ventilation to reduce hypocarbia in extremely low birthweight neonates. Pediatric Quality & Safety 2021;6:e398.
  2. Amin BH, Yeduri RR, Tumin D, Buckman C, Bell JJ. Insurance coverage and health care use among children with diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes 2021;22:605-9
  3. Beamon B, Cortright L, Pawlowski C, Vasquez-Rios V, Tumin D. Communication between primary care pediatricians and pediatric emergency department. Pediatric Emergency Care 2021;37:92-5.
  4. Brown A, Quaile M, Morris H, Tumin D, Parker C, Warren L, Wall B, Crickmore K, Ledoux M, Eldridge D, Aikman I. Outpatient follow-up care after hospital discharge of children with complex chronic conditions from a rural tertiary-care hospital. Clinical Pediatrics 2021;60:512-9.
  5. Brown CL, Montez K, Amati JB, Simeonsson K, Townsend JD, Orr CJ, Palakshappa D. Impact of COVID-19 on pediatric primary care visits at four academic institutions in the Carolinas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18:5734.
  6. Dail RB, Everhart KC, Hardin JW, Chang W, Kuehn D, Iskersky V, Fisher K, Murphy HJ. Predicting infection in very preterm infants: A study protocol. Nursing Research 2021;70:142-9
  7. Habiyaremye MA, Clary K, Morris H, Tumin D, Crotty J. Which children use school-based health services as a primary source of care? Journal of School Health 2021;91:876-82.
  8. Havinga J, Williams A, Hassan N, Moore S, Dollhopf E, Tumin D, Akpan US. Individualized fluid management in extremely preterm neonates to ensure adequate diuresis without increasing complications. Journal of Perinatology 2021;41:240-6
  9. Jamison SD, Higginbotham LB, Chambard ML, White DP, Porterfield DS, Flower KB. Preventive medicine physicians’ role in health care organizations’ pursuit of the triple aim. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2021;27(Suppl 3):S133-S138.
  10. Maguire RL, House JS, Lloyd DT, Skinner HG, Allen TK, Raffi AM, Skaar DA, Park SS, McCullough LE, Kollins SH, Bilbo SD, Collier DN, Murphy SK, Fuemmeler BF, Gowdy KM, Hoyo C. Associations between maternal obesity, gestational cytokine levels and child obesity in the NEST cohort. Pediatric Obesity 2021;16:e12763
  11. Mandelia C/strong>, Kabbany MN, Worley S, Selvakumar PKC. Performance characteristics, intra- & inter-operator agreement of transient elastography in pediatric NAFLD. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2021;72:430-5
  12. Mandelia C/strong>, Te K, Lenfestey M. Colonic hematoma complicating pediatric colonoscopy. JPGN Reports 2021;2:e128.
  13. McDonald SM, Isler C, Haven K, Newton E, Kuehn D, Kelley G, Chasan-Taber L, May LE. Moderate intensity aerobic exercise during pregnancy and 1-month infant Morphometry. Birth Defects Research 2021;113:238-47.
  14. Orr CJ, McLaurin-Jiang S, Jamison SD. Diversity of mentorship to increase diversity in academic pediatrics. Pediatrics 2021;147:e20193286
  15. Patel K, Cortright L, Tumin D, Kohler JA. Fathers’ visitation of very low birth weight infants in the neonatal intensive care unit during the first week of life. American Journal of Perinatology 2021;38:909-13.
  16. Poola S, Naseer M, Ali E. Aortoesophageal fistula is no ordinary ulcer. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2021;19:e15.
  17. Raper MJ, McDonald S, Johnston C, Isler C, Newton E, Kuehn D, Collier D, Broskey NT, Muldrow A, May LE. The influence of exercise during pregnancy on racial/ethnic health disparities and birth outcomes. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2021;21:258.
  18. Robles J, Anim T, Wusu MH, Foster KE, Parra Y, Amaechi O, Allen KC, Rodriguez JE, Campbell KM, Tumin D, Washington J. An approach to faculty development for underrepresented minorities in medicine. Southern Medical Journal 2021;114:579-82.
  19. Simeonsson K, Hillenbrand K. Combating outbreaks in North Carolina: Lessons learned. North Carolina Medical Journal 2021;82(3):184-190.
  20. Skelton JA, Woolford SJ, Skinner A, Barlow SE, Hampl SE, Lazorick S, Armstrong S. Weight management without stigma or harm: A roundtable discussion with childhood obesity experts. Childhood Obesity 2021;17:79-85.
  21. Torres M, Miller L, Payment E, Cortright L, Pawlowski C, Patel K, Moore J, Tumin D, Higginson A. Impact of parent and teacher agreements on return rates of Vanderbilt assessments in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Experimental Results 2021;2:e31.
  22. Tumin D, Crowley E, Li SS, Wooten W, Ren CL, Hayes D Jr. Patterns of health insurance coverage and lung disease progression in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2021;18:290-9.
  23. Watson S, Stine F, Tumin D, Stiles K. Employment and well-being among caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder. Children’s Health Care 2021;50:16-27.
  24. Wood JR, Halonen NR, Bear KA, Campbell CE, Wilhelm PA, Kling ERE, Rooks VJ. Fingertip ultrasound evaluation of umbilical catheter position in the neonatal intensive care unit compared to conventional ultrasound radiography: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Perinatology 2021;41:1627-32.

2020 Publications

  1. Aikman I, Makowski K, Wenger O, Rossman I, Solomon JD. Microcephaly, hypotonia, and intracranial calcifications in an 11-week-old boy. Pediatrics 2020;146:e20192795
  2. Brevik EC, Slaughter L, Singh BR, Steffan J, Collier D, Barnhart P, Pereira P. Soil and human health: Current status and future needs. Air, Soil and Water Research 2020;13:1-23.
  3. Buckman C, Diaz A, Tumin D, Bear K. Parity and the association between maternal socio-demographic characteristics and breastfeeding. Breastfeeding Medicine 2020;15:443-52.
  4. Buckman C, Liu IC, Cortright L, Tumin D, Syed S. The influence of local political trends on childhood vaccine completion in North Carolina. Social Science & Medicine 2020;260:113187.
  5. Byerly T, Buckman C, Tumin D, Bear K. Prematurity and breastfeeding initiation: A sibling analysis. Acta Paediatrica 2020;109:2586-91.
  6. Clary K, Cortright L, Tumin D, Buckman C, Eldridge D. Primary care use and assessment of adolescents’ sexual health during hospitalization. Hospital Pediatrics 2020;10:963-8.
  7. Collier DN, Robinson A, Mitra S, Taft N, Raad A, Hudson S, Young JW, Lazorick S. Tapping out: Influence of organoleptic and perceived health risks on bottled vs. municipal tap water consumption among obese, low socioeconomic status pediatric patients. Exposure and Health 2020;12:179-86.
  8. Cortright L, Buckman C, Tumin D, Holder D, Leonard S. Social determinants of health and emergency department use among children with sickle cell disease. Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2020;42:e42-5.
  9. Cummings JJ, Gerday E, Minton S, Katheria A, Albert G, Flores-Torres J, Famuyide M, Lampland A, Guthrie S, Kuehn D, Weitkamp JH, Fort P, Abu Jawdeh EG, Ryan RM, Martin GC, Swanson JR, Mulrooney N, Eyal F, Gerstmann D, Kumar P, Wilding GE, Egan EA. Aerosolized calfactant for newborns with respiratory distress: A randomized trial. Pediatrics 2020;146:e20193967.
  10. Curtis SF, Tumin D, Greene F, Spain D, Higginson A. Bilirubin turn-around time in an outpatient pediatric clinic: improving efficiency of time-sensitive lab results. American Journal of Medical Quality 2020;35:432.
  11. De Avila C, Andrews B, Buckman C, Tumin D, Ledoux M. Household drug abuse in pediatric admissions for non-accidental trauma. Child Abuse and Neglect 2020;109:104696.
  12. Gantzer HE, Block BL, Hobgood LC, Tufte J. Restoring the story and creating a valuable clinical note. Annals of Internal Medicine 2020;173:380-2.
  13. Goldstein SA, D’Ottavio A, Spears T, Chiswell K, Hartman RJ, Krasuski RA, Kemper AR, Meyer RE, Hoffman TM, Walsh MJ, Sang CJ, Paolillo J, Li JS. Causes of death and cardiovascular comorbidities in adults with congenital heart disease. Journal of the American Heart Association 2020;9:e016400.
  14. Havinga J, Tumin D, Peedin L. Birth weight gradient in parent-reported special health care needs among children born preterm. Journal of Pediatrics 2020;217:73-8.
  15. Hjelm M, Tumin D, Nemastil CJ, Salvator AE, Hayes D Jr. Influence of cystic fibrosis related diabetes on mental health in adults: a single-center study. Lung 2020;198:957-64.
  16. Kearney GD, Wooten W, Mohan A, Carter JC, Jones K, Blount T, O’Brien K. Asthma deaths in North Carolina: 1999-2016. Journal of Asthma 2020;57:478-86.
  17. Kinlaw S, Dailey M, Scott D, Hanchey S, Tumin D, Higginson A. Improved physical exam documentation in a pediatric after-hours clinic. American Journal of Medical Quality 2020;35:506.
  18. Kocher KR, Tumin D, Lehmann AG, Gomez Mendez LM. Identification of hypertension in hospitalized children prescribed antihypertensive medication. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2020;22:1452-7.
  19. Kohler JA. What constitutes ordinary and proportionate means for preterm newborns? The Linacre Quarterly. 2020;87:236-7.
  20. Kohler JA, Fowler J, Moore R, Higginson J. Improved use of human milk, growth and central line utilization with standard feeding roadmap in an academic NICU.  Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2020;35:703-7.
  21. Kotlarz N, McCord J, Collier D, Lea CS, Strynar M, Lindstrom AB, Wilkie AA, Islam JY, Matney K, Tarte P, Polera ME, Burdette K, DeWitt J, May K, Smart RC, Knappe DRU, Hoppin JA. Measurement of novel, drinking water-associated PFAS in blood from adults and children in Wilmington, North Carolina. Environmental Health Perspectives 2020;128:77005.
  22. Lamson AL, Didericksen KW, Winter A, Brimhall AS, Lazorick S. Attachment, parenting, and obesogenic behavior: A dyadic perspctive. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 2020;46:455-70.
  23. LePage AK, Wise B, Bell JJ, Tumin D, Smith AW. Impact of distance from the endocrinology clinic on diabetes control in a rural pediatric population. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 2020;34:187-93
  24. Mamillapalli SS, Smith-Joyner A, Forbes L, McIntyre K, Poppenfuse S, Rushing B, Strom C, Danell A, May L, Kuehn D, Kew K, Ravisankar S. Screening for opioid and stimulant exposure in utero via targeted and untargeted metabolomics analysis of umbilical cords. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 2020;42:787-94.
  25. May K, Jilcott Pitts S, Stage VC, Kelley CJ, Burkholder S, Fang X, Zeng A, Lazorick S. Use of the Veggie Meter® as a tool to objectively approximate fruit and vegetable intake among youth for evaluation of preschool and school-based interventions. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2020;33:869-75.
  26. May LE, McDonald S, Forbes L, Jones R, Newton E, Strickland D, Isler C, Haven K, Steed D, Kelley G, Chasan-Taber L, Kuehn D. Influence of maternal aerobic exercise during pregnancy on fetal cardiac function and outflow. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM. 2020;2:100095.
  27. McDonald SM, Newton E, Strickland D, Isler C, Haven K, Kelley G, Chasan-Taber L, Kuehn D, May LE. Influence of prenatal aerobic exercise on fetal morphometry. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2020;24:1367-75.
  28. Meiburg S, Lazorick S. Health care in a changing North Carolina climate. North Carolina Medical Journal 2020;81:338-41.
  29. Newcome J, Choe A, Hobgood L, Turner MCB. Improving breast cancer screening rates in a resident clinic in eastern North Carolina. American Journal of Medical Quality 2020;35:503.
  30. Novotny WE, Keel CP. Why humans should not eat broom straws: Pericarditis and endocarditis. Annals of Pediatric Cardiology. 2020;13:144-6.
  31. Onuoha C, Barton KD, Wong ECC, Raval JS, Rollins-Raval MA, Ipe TS, Kiss JE, Boral LI, Adamksi J, Zantek ND, Onwuemene OA. Therapeutic plasma exchange and intravenous immune globulin in the treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: A systematic review. Transfusion 2020;60:2714-36.
  32. Opper CE, Collier CB, Fang X, Lazorick S. Measuring determinants of health for a school-based obesity intervention. Health Behavior and Policy Review 2020;7:223-7.
  33. Parker C, Wall B, Tumin D, Stanley R, Warren L, Deal K, Stroud T, Crickmore K, Ledoux M. Care coordination program for children with complex chronic conditions discharged from a rural tertiary-care hospital. Hospital Pediatrics 2020;10:687-93.
  34. Ramanathan R, Biniwale M, Sekar K, Hanna N, Golombek S, Bhatia J, Naylor M, Fabbri L, Varoli G, Santoro D, Del Buono D, Piccinno A, Dammann CE. Synthetic surfactant CHF5633 compared with poractant alfa in the treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: A multicenter, double blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. Journal of Pediatrics 2020;225:90-6.
  35. Santoro C, Fuh B, Le PQ, Maes P, Berrueco R, Mingot-Castellano EM, von Mackensen S, Solms A, Wang M. BAY 81-8973 prophylaxis and pharmacokinetics in haemophilia A: Interim results from the TAURUS study. European Journal of Haematology 2020;105:164-72.
  36. Sarno LA, Cortright L, Stanley T, Tumin D, Li J, Sang C. Clinical and socioeconomic predictors of work participation in adults with congenital heart disease. Cardiology in the Young 2020;30:1081-5.
  37. Sarno LA, Lipshultz SE, Harmon C, De La Cruz-Munoz NF, Balakrishnan PL. Short- and long-term safety and efficacy of bariatric surgery for severely obese adolescents: A review. Pediatric Research 2020;87:202-9.
  38. Sarno LA, Walters HL, Bondarenko I, Thomas R, Kobayashi D. Significant improvements in mortality after the Fontan operation in children with Down syndrome. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2020;109:835-41.
  39. Sarno LA, Walters HL, Misra A, Siddeek H, Kheiwa A, Forbes TJ, Gupta P, Sriram CS, Blake JM, Sehgal S, Kobayashi D. Cardiac rehabilitation for adult congenital heart disease—extending beyond the typical patient population. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2020;40:e1-4.
  40. Suárez P, Ferro JM, Nagamachi CY, Cardozo DE, Blasco-Zúñiga A, Silva JB, Marciano-Jr E, Costa MA, Orrico VGD, Solé M, Roberto IJ, Rivera M, Wiley JE, Faivovich J, Baldo D, Pieczarka JC. Chromosome evolution in Lophyohylini (Amphibia, Anura, Hylinae). PLoS One 2020;15:e0234331.
  41. Taylor K, McLaughlin L, Kuehn D, Campbell J, Kohler J, Higginson J. The impact of parental presence in the NICU on hospital alienation and other distress measures. Patient Experience Journal 2020;7:44-8.
  42. Tumin D, Akpan U, Kohler JA Sr, Uffman JC. Publication bias among conference abstracts reporting on pediatric quality improvement projects. American Journal of Medical Quality 2020;35:274-80.
  43. Tumin D, Buckman C, Kuehn D, Higginson J. Blending research support and mentorship to foster scholarly activity at a resource-limited institution. Paediatrics and Child Health 2020;25:554-5.
  44. Valrie C, Alston K, Fuh B, Redding-Lallinger R, Sisler I. Sleep moderating the relationship between pain and health care use in youth with sickle cell disease. Clinical Journal of Pain 2020;36:117-23.
  45. Valrie C, Floyd A, Sisler I, Redding-Lallinger R, Fuh B. Depression and anxiety as moderators of the pain-social functioning relationship in youth with sickle cell disease. Journal of Pain Research 2020;13:729-36.
  46. Veeren RJ, Dobson NR, Olsen CH, Raiciulescu S, Kuehn D, Stokes TA, Hunt CE. Longitudinal growth changes from birth to 8-9 years in preterm and full term births. Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2020;13:223-30.
  47. Wilson CL, Brinkman TM, Cook C, Huang S, Hyun G, Green DM, Furman WL, Bhakta N, Ehrhardt MJ, Krasin MJ, Robison LL, Ness KK, Hudson MM. Clinically ascertained health outcomes, quality of life, and social attainment among adult survivors of neuroblastoma: A report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort. Cancer 2020;126:1330-8.
  48. Wright JE, Heinze RK, Wright ME. Medical neglect allegations in the context of conflicted divorce/separation child custody: What should the health care provider do? Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma 2020;13:285-91.

2019 Publications

  1. Acheampong C, Davis C, Holder D, Averett P, Savitt T, Campbell K. An exploratory study of stress coping and resiliency of Black men at one medical school: A critical race theory perspective. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 2019;6:214-9.
  2. Clark E, Isler C, Strickland D, Gross McMillan A, Fang X, Kuehn D, Ravisankar S, Strom C, May L. Influence of exercise on maternal lipid levels and offspring morphometrics. International Journal of Obesity 2019;43:594-602.
  3. Costello J. Immunization recommendations for pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome, and renal transplants: A literature review and quality improvement project. Nephrology Nursing Journal 2019;46:413-45.
  4. Flower KB, Higginbotham LB, Jamison SD, Chambard ML, Porterfield DS. Alignment of preventive medicine physicians’ residency training with professional needs. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2019;56:908-17.
  5. Gross McMillan A, Isler C, Kuehn D, May LE. Effects of aerobic exercise during pregnancy on one-month infant neuromotor skills. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2019;51:1671-6.
  6. Hebson CL, McConnell ME, Hannon DW. Pediatric dysautonomia: much-maligned, often overmedicated, but not as complex as you think. Congenital Heart Disease 2019;14:156-61.
  7. Hicks K, Pitts SJ, Lazorick S. Examining the association between screen time, beverage and snack consumption, and weight status among eastern North Carolina youth. North Carolina Medical Journal 2019;80:69-75.
  8. Izquierdo M, Marion C, Tumin D, Bowling MR, Ortega VE. The clinical and research utility of bronchoscopy in cystic fibrosis. Clinical Pulmonary Medicine 2019;26:76-81.
  9. Ley D, Hallberg B, Hansen-Pupp I, Dani C, Ramenghi LA, Marlow N, Beardsall K, Bhatti F, Dunger D, Higginson JD, Mahaveer A, Mezu-Ndubuisi OJ, Reynolds P, Giannantonio C, van Weissenbruch M, Barton N, Tocoian A, Hamdani M, Jochim E, Mangili A, Chung J, Turner MA, Smith LEH, Hellstrom A. rhIGF-1/rhIGFBP-3 in Preterm Infants: A Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Pediatrics 2019;206:56-65.
  10. Martin CL, Jima D, Sharp GC, McCullough LE, Park SS, Gowdy KM, Skaar D, Cowley M, Maguire RL, Fuemmeler B, Collier D, Relton CL, Murphy SK, Hoyo C. Maternal pre-pregnancy obesity, offspring cord blood DNA methylation, and offspring cardiometabolic health in early childhood: an epigenome-wide association study. Epigenetics 2019;14:325-40.
  11. Masonbrink AR, Stancil S, Reid KJ, Goggin K, Hunt JA, Mermelstein SJ, Shafii T, Lehmann AG, Harhara H, Miller MK. Adolescent reproductive health care: Views and practices of pediatric hospitalists. Hospital Pediatrics 2019;9:100-6.
  12. Pawlowski C, Buckman C, Tumin D, Smith AW, Crotty J. National trends in pediatric headache and associated functional limitations. Clinical Pediatrics 2019;58:1502-8.
  13. Pratt KJ, Lazorick S, Eneli I, Collier DN, Skelton JA. Providers’ involvement of blended families in pediatric weight management programs. Families, Systems & Health 2019;37:320-7.
  14. Siegrist KJ, Reynolds SH, Porter DW, Mercer RR, Bauer AK, Lowry D, Cena L, Stueckle TA, Kashon ML, Wiley J, Salisbury JL, Mastovich J, Bunker K, Sparrow M, Lupoi JS, Stefaniak AB, Keane MJ, Tsuruoka S, Terrones M, McCawley M, Sargent LM. Mitsui-7, heat-treated, and nitrogen-doped multi-walled carbon nanotubes elicit genotoxicity in human lung epithelial cells. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2019;16:36.
  15. Singh R, Douglass LM, O’Shea TM, Stafstrom CE, Allred EN, Engelke S, Shah B, Leviton A, Hereen TC, Kuban KCK. Antecedents of epilepsy and seizures among children born at extremely low gestational age. Journal of Perinatology 2019;39:774-83.
  16. Takeuchi K, Srivastava A, Steed DR. Bronchial compression as adverse effect of right pulmonary artery stenting in a patient with truncus arteriosus communis and interrupted aortic arch. Annals of Pediatric Cardiology 2019;12:66-8.
  17. Tumin D, Miller R, Raman VT, Uffman JC, Tobias JD. Patterns of health insurance discontinuity and children’s access to health care. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2019;23:667-77.
  18. Valrie CR, Kilpatrick RL, Alston K, Trout K, Redding-Lallinger R, Sisler I, Fuh B. Investigating the sleep-pain relationship in youth with sickle cell utilizing mHealth technology. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2019;44:323-32.
  19. Warady BA, Iles JN, Ariceta G, Dehmel B, Hidalgo G, Jiang X, Laskin B, Shahinfar S, Vande Walle J, Schaefer F. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy and safety of cinacalcet in pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease and secondary hyperparathyroidism receiving dialysis. Pediatric Nephrology 2019;34:475-86.
  20. Whitehurst KE, Carraway M, Riddick A, Basnight LL, Garrison HG. Making the learning continuum a reality: The critical role of a graduate medical education-continuing medical education partnership. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2019;39:279-84.
  21. Ziemba KJ, Kumar R, Nuss K, Estrada M, Lin A, Ayad O. Clinical decision support tools and a standardized order set enhances early enteral nutrition in critically ill children. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2019;34:916-21