Camp Needles in the Pines

Camp Needles in the Pines, located in Eastern North Carolina, is a residential camp for children with type 1 diabetes ages 8 to 14 years. Children with type 1 diabetes ages 15-18 can come as Counselors in Training (CITs). Activities include swimming, paddle boarding, canoeing, kayaking, archery, crafts, rifle range, and improved self-help skills. Camp is located at Camp Boddie, Boy Scout Camp at Blounts Creek, NC. This year’s camp will be held July 20-25, 2025.

Insulin, meters and strips are provided at camp. Parents will be asked to take the camper’s home meter and lancing device with them when they leave. If you take any medications other than insulin you will need to bring it with you. If you wear an insulin pump you will need to bring your pump supplies including reservoirs, infusion sets and/or Pods, and tape.
Campers are not allowed to have cell phones at camp. If they are using an insulin pump/CGM that requires the use of the phone it will be put into airplane mode and kept in the group’s master bag that is with the group at all times.

The medical staff consists of volunteers from the hospital, medical school, and university. If you are a health care professional interested in volunteering for camp please contact Mindy Saenz at


To register print and complete the application packet below and return to or fax to 252-744-4273. They can also be mailed to the address on the form if email or fax are not available. The cost of camp is $250 and payment is made online using the link below. Full payment is due July 1, 2025. Please contact us if you need financial assistance.

The teacher form and medical form from your primary care physician can be sent in separately but must be received by July 1, 2025.

Registration deadline is May 16, 2025.

For more information about the camp, contact:

ECU Brody School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Endocrinology/Diabetes Section
252-744-3283 |

Sponsored by ECU Health and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

ECU Health logo
Children's Miracle Network Hospital logo

For more information about the camp, contact:

ECU Brody School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Endocrinology/Diabetes Section
252-744-3283 |